Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Robinson Announces $3.5 Million for Community, Safety and Economic Development Projects
  • Chartiers Valley Primary School Family Fun Night!
  • January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Ceremony in Bridgeville
  • Amen Corner Event
  • Attracting and Retaining the Best Teachers
  • Denied a Health Care Claim? Request a Review
  • 2023 Accomplishments: Healthy and Safe Communities
  • Fishing and Boating Grants Available Now

Robinson Announces $3.5 Million for Community, Safety and Economic Development Projects

I am pleased to secure $3.5 Million in Commonwealth Financing Authority funding for Allegheny County! For a list of projects and amounts, please see my press release here.

Chartiers Valley Primary School Family Fun Night!

I had a wonderful time at the Chartiers Valley Primary School Family Fun Night this week! It was a great turnout. Thank you to all the volunteers, families, and students who made it such a fun evening!

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month

In recognition of January as Human Trafficking Prevention Month, I was pleased to participate in the Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing to help raise awareness about the complexities of human trafficking crime and to discuss strategies for prevention, victim support and the prosecution of traffickers. Law enforcement, policymakers and people on the front lines of raising awareness about and helping victims of human trafficking joined the conversation.

By way of force, fraud and coercion, human traffickers push their victims into sexual exploitation and domestic servitude. In 2021, 315 victims were identified in Pennsylvania. If you suspect human trafficking, please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or the ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

The Senate also passed legislation to ensure sexually exploited children who are human trafficking victims have full access to appropriate services and support. Act 39 of 2023 would ensure that third-party control is never a consideration for access to services, and Senate Bill 45 would eliminate the third-party control requirement to access victim services under the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Notification Act.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Ceremony in Bridgeville

I was honored to attend this beautiful ceremony to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. earlier this week. Thank you to those who uphold his legacy so well and remind us of his impactful contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.

Amen Corner Event

I was happy to attend the Amen Corner holiday party this week where there was a changing of the guard from my friend, David Shrager, to June Yonas. My friend, Corina Deihl was also honored for a lifetime of charitable work. Congratulations, and thank you for everything you do for our community!

Attracting and Retaining the Best Teachers

As Senate Republicans work to ensure all students have the opportunity to receive a quality education that sets them up for future success, one focus is attracting and retaining great teachers.

In addition to a high rate of teachers retiring or switching professions, fewer students are training to become teachers. To fight that concerning trend, we created a teacher stipend program. Through the program, a $10,000 stipend is available for individuals to complete their student teaching requirement. Students may claim an additional $5,000 stipend if they complete their student teaching in schools that don’t traditionally have student teachers and schools with high teacher vacancies.

Another new law reduces barriers for teachers moving to Pennsylvania by entering the state into the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact. Teachers with eligible certification in other compact states would not be required to complete additional materials, exams or coursework when applying for certification in Pennsylvania. They would still be required to complete background checks and other security clearances.

Denied a Health Care Claim? Request a Review

Because of legislation passed late in 2022, Pennsylvanians who believe their insurer has wrongly denied a health insurance claim can now request a review of the decision to be completed by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.

The denial can be for a service, treatment or item. An independent group of experienced doctors and health care professionals will review the case. If the review determines the request should have been covered, your health plan must do so. Independent review decisions are final and binding.

Act 46 of 2022 also streamlined the prior authorization – when physicians and other health care providers must obtain advance approval from a health plan before services and treatment are rendered – and step therapy processes for medical treatment.

2023 Accomplishments: Healthy and Safe Communities

Families, not government, are the heart of our commonwealth. To empower families, we must provide healthy and safe communities.

In 2023, I was pleased to co-prime sponsor a key health care measure that eliminated out-of-pocket costs for genetic testing of hereditary cancer syndromes and supplemental screenings for women at high risk of developing breast cancer. We also addressed crucial public health needs for emergency medical services, hospitals and nursing homes and ensured Pennsylvanians continue to receive access to needed health care services.

Other new laws provide critical nourishment for medically fragile babies and increase access to licensed addiction treatment programs for people facing substance use disorder. I was so pleased to support each of these bills!

Fishing and Boating Grants Available Now

Organizations that provide hands-on education for the recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3) of anglers and boaters in Pennsylvania have until March 1 to apply for grants.

Education programs play a role in R3 by providing experiences that increase fishing and boating knowledge and skills, facilitate social support, and provide information on fishing and boating opportunities close to home.

The funding must be used for eligible expenses for projects running approximately July 1 through June 30, 2025. Grants require at least a 25% match of total project costs.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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