Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Trivia Night!
  • Upcoming Event: National Healthy Kids Day at Sewickley YMCA
  • Communicate with Your Utility Companies to Avoid Disconnection
  • New Military Themed License Plates Now Available
  • Treasury’s Transparency Portal Now Shows Additional Data
  • Summer Internship Opportunity with the Office of Open Records
  • Complete an Annual Renewal to Maintain Insurance Coverage
  • LIHEAP Application
  • Trout Season Begins!
  • Happy Easter and Passover to You and Your Family

Trivia Night!

Every year, I look forward to the Bridgeville-South Fayette Rotary Club’s annual trivia night! The Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Department was absolutely packed. It was great to see such overwhelming support from the community. My trivia skills were certainly put to the test!

Upcoming Event: National Healthy Kids Day

I am thrilled to be participating in this year’s Healthy Kid’s Day Event at the Sewickley YMCA on Saturday, April 29th. This event features a range of educational activities for kids of all ages. The Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office will also be onsite to collect unwanted medications. Please contact my office for more information!

Communicate with Your Utility Companies to Avoid Disconnection

As the annual winter termination moratorium effectively ended on Monday, it is more important than ever for consumers with high or past-due balances on their utility bills to call their provider to discuss options to remain connected.

Utilities are reaching out to customers who are at risk of utility shutoffs and sending bill reminders, letters, termination notices and Public Utility Commission (PUC)-approved shutoff forms. If a customer’s service is shut off, the utility must provide a notice indicating why the service was shut off and what steps the customer can take to restore service. 

Utilities can help enroll consumers in assistance programs, guide them to other available resources and discuss new payment plan options to address overdue balances. If a consumer is unable to resolve an issue or obtain needed information from the utility, they may contact the PUC’s Bureau of Consumer Services toll free at 1-800-692-7380. 

New Military Themed License Plates Now Available

Because of legislation passed by the General Assembly, new military themed license plates will be available throughout the commonwealth. Two of these new plates – the Air Medal license plate and the Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans license plate – recognize veterans’ special contributions during their service. The third is the Blue Star Family license plate for family members of an active-duty, Reserve or National Guard service member.

All three are available for passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds for a fee of $23.

More information, including eligibility requirements and images of license plates, is available here.

Treasury’s Transparency Portal Now Shows Additional Data

Treasurer Stacy Garrity announced a new feature on Treasury’s Transparency Portal that gives the public easy access to county- and state-level data about Pennsylvania’s unclaimed property program, the PA 529 College and Career Savings Program, Keystone Scholars and the PA ABLE Savings Program.

The new feature includes four interactive maps displaying data for unclaimed property, PA 529, Keystone Scholars and PA ABLE. Users can now see county-by-county details such as: 

  • How much unclaimed property is available;
  • How much unclaimed property has been returned since Jan. 1, 2021;
  • The number of open PA 529 and PA ABLE accounts;
  • Total assets in PA 529 and PA ABLE; and
  • The number of registered Keystone Scholars accounts.

Statewide data is also available, and the data will be updated quarterly. Information about all of Treasury’s consumer programs can be found here.

Summer Internship Opportunity with the Office of Open Records

The Office of Open Records is offering a paid summer internship opportunity in Harrisburg to undergraduate students and recent graduates who are interested in government accountability and transparency. Interns may work from home on Mondays and Thursdays, but full-time telework will not be approved.

The office was established to create a free, simple method for citizens to appeal a public records denial by a local or state government agency. Decisions made by the Office of Open Records have an enormous impact that can lead to changes at all levels of government in Pennsylvania.

Email a resume and cover letter that includes your preferred start and end date to Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Learn more, including internship requirements, here.

Complete an Annual Renewal to Maintain Insurance Coverage

All Medical Assistance (MA) and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients must complete an annual renewal to keep coverage. Pennie, Pennsylvania’s state-affiliated health insurance marketplace, offers financial assistance to lower the cost of health and dental coverage. It can help ensure continuous coverage for Pennsylvanians who have lost or are losing MA benefits.

Approximately 30-45 days before Medicaid recipients’ renewal date, they will receive their renewal packet in the mail. This must be completed and returned as soon as possible. They can also complete their renewal online via COMPASS or over the phone.

People who are no longer eligible for Medicaid may have options for coverage available through Pennie and CHIP.

LIHEAP Application

If you are seeking assistance with your heating expenses, there is still time to apply for LIHEAP, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This program ends April 28th. Click here to see how to apply.

Start of Trout Season

Trout season has officially begun! Check out the Fish & Boat Commission’s website for trout stocking schedules and other resources.

Happy Easter and Passover to You and Your Family

This week, we celebrate two holy holidays: Easter and Passover. No matter what or how you celebrate, may you and your family enjoy happy, heartwarming time together. Warmest wishes for many blessings.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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