Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Trout Season Opens April 6
  • Tour of Insulators Local No. 2
  • PA American Water Project, Traffic Delays in South Park
  • April is Month of the Military Child
  • Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections
  • Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?
  • Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture
  • Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs
  • Remembering Fallen Pittsburgh Police Officers
  • Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day
  • Honoring Former Prisoners of War

Trout Season Opens April 6

Spring is in full swing! Home Opening weekend is underway as the Pittsburgh Pirates host the Baltimore Orioles this weekend.  Today is also Opening Day of Trout season in The Commonwealth.  The regular season for trout runs through Labor Day.

Our Commonwealth boasts 86,000 miles of rivers and streams for anglers and boaters to enjoy. The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission allows anglers to keep up to five trout per day.  Each, regardless of species, must measure at least 7-inches long. You can search trout stocking schedules by county here ( ).

Several options are available to buy a fishing license. An annual PA resident license is $26, and the cost for senior citizens is $12.50. You must have a permit to fish even though it is no longer required to be displayed on your hat or clothing. More information is available here ( ).

On Wednesday, the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced that state park campsites and other lodging options are now open for your overnight fishing trip.  Enjoy!

Tour of Insulators Local No.2

Thank you to Insulators Local No. 2 for a tour of your beautiful facility! Local No. 2 still provides high quality on-the-job training and apprenticeship programs after 120 years. It was great to meet with everyone and see their work in action.

PA American Water Project, Traffic Delays in South Park

Improving the District: You may experience traffic delays while driving through a section of South Park Township – but it is for a good reason.  Yesterday (April 5), Pennsylvania American Water company began work to replace 3,300 feet of water main “…to improve service reliability and fire protection for residents.”  This is a $2.5 million upgrade along Snowden Road between Felix and Connor Drives.  Penn-American says customers may experience water pressure issues, discoloration, or service interruptions at times as they work weekdays from 7a-5p into the summer.

Read more about the project and potential traffic delays here.

April is Month of the Military Child

I was pleased to introduce Senate Resolution 248 which proclaims April 2024 as the “Month of the Military Child” and April 15 as “Purple Up! For Military Kids Day.”

I joined with fellow veterans and co-prime sponsors, Senator Rothman and Senator Mastriano, to honor and support the estimated 37,000 Pennsylvania children who have at least one parent currently serving as a member from all branches of our great nation’s Armed Forces. An estimated 80% of these children are school aged, and the resulting moves, deployments, and reassignment are often challenging and disruptive to their education, living arrangements, and support networks.

The children of Pennsylvania’s military families make a great sacrifice to help ensure the freedom and security of our commonwealth and nation. Please read here for my press release to encourage support for our military children. I also hope to see many of my constituents ‘Purple Up’ with us on April 15. By wearing purple, which symbolizes sacrifice and all U.S. Military branches, we show our support for Pennsylvania’s military children and their families.

Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections

The safeguarding of elections in Pennsylvania was boosted by the Third Circuit Court’s recent ruling upholding current Pennsylvania law, requiring voters to date a mail-in ballot for it to be accepted.

Many voters, election officials and good government advocates feel preserving election integrity must be a priority. The first step toward that goal is upholding laws that are already in place. While this may seem obvious, in recent elections some counties accepted and counted undated ballots – despite the state law prohibiting that action.

Applying the election law uniformly across all 67 counties is a significant step forward in the effort to protect the integrity of our electoral process. Senate Republicans will continue to work to protect Pennsylvanians’ constitutional right to free and fair elections.

Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is offering a short survey so motorists can offer their feedback on the winter services PennDOT provided.

By filling out the short survey, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts about where you get information about road conditions, how soon you can expect roads to be safe to travel following a winter storm event and what features you would find useful from

There is also an opportunity to share additional comments. The survey can be completed anonymously.

Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture

Spotted lanternflies are an invasive pest that could damage the state’s grape and wine industries, as well as other types of agriculture.

This time of year, Pennsylvanians can take an important step to control the spotted lanternfly population. While most adult spotted lanternflies have frozen to death, their eggs can survive over the winter. A single egg mass holds 30 to 50 eggs.

The egg masses – which can commonly be found on trees, rocks and equipment stored outdoors – should be scraped into a bag of hand sanitizer. Learn what the egg masses look like during various stages and find more information about how to destroy them here.

Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs

Pennsylvania is home to more than 700,000 veterans and their family members. With such a significant veteran population, the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) works hard to connect veterans and their families with the services and programs available to them.

One way the agency can meet and assist veterans in the communities they live is through one of its two mobile veterans outreach vans. They travel throughout the state to assist veterans in obtaining information and initiating benefit claim paperwork with the assistance of DMVA accredited veteran service officers.

Request a van for a community event such as a sporting event, county fair, parade or festival. The form should be submitted six months but not less than 45 days prior to the event. Requests with less than a 30-day turnaround will be handled on a space available basis only.

Remembering Fallen Pittsburgh Police Officers

April 4, 2009 was an incredibly tragic day in the city of Pittsburgh. We lost Officers Paul Sciullo, Stephen Mayhle, and Eric Kelly, three Pittsburgh Police Officers who were shot and killed in the line of duty while answering a domestic incident call. Let us continue to honor their sacrifice, dedication, and commitment to our city – 15 years later – to ensure their memory is never forgotten.

Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day

This past Friday, April 5, we recognized Gold Star Spouses Day – a day when we pause to reflect on the incredible loss felt by men and women who have lost their partners in the line of duty.

It was first recognized in 2010 as Gold Star Wives Day. Later, it was updated to include any surviving spouse of any person of the United States military who died while a member of the armed forces of our country or who died after such service as a result of an injury or disability incurred during such service.

Honoring Former Prisoners of War

April 9th is National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. I would like to highlight a story of great national significance, as well as personal significance to me: Former POW and Army PFC Jessica Lynch.

In March 2003, PFC Jessica Lynch was captured after her army unit was ambushed during the Battle of an-Nasiriyah in Iraq. While in captivity, Jessica suffered a broken back, femur, tibia, arm and foot, and was severely dehydrated and starved.

My Marine unit, the Marines of Task Force Tarawa, fought through the Battle of an-Nasiriyah and executed a tireless door-to-door operation to find more about her whereabouts. We finally received actionable intelligence after nine grueling days.

On April 1, 2003, we were awakened to set up a cordon outside the hospital where she was held. As my unit provided a diversionary action, a special operations unit was launched to rescue her, and Jessica became the first American Prisoner of War to be rescued successfully since WWII.

Since then, Jessica has become a motivational speaker, teacher, and mother, and has shared her incredible story with thousands. Jessica was awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Prisoner of War Medal for her service in Iraq.

I am honored to have aided in her rescue with my fellow Marines of Task Force Tarawa, and I had the privilege of welcoming her to the Senate Floor this past September.

Thank you, Former POW and Army PFC Jessica Lynch, for your service and sacrifice to our country. Let us take a moment to honor her sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice of every former Prisoner of War who has served our nation. You are not forgotten.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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