Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Robinson Speaks at Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony
  • Robinson Bill Passes Full Senate
  • Robinson Recognizes POW/MIA Day
  • Senate Approves RGGI Electricity Tax Repeal
  • Bill to Establish Safe Exchange Zones Passes Senate
  • Senate Passes Juvenile Justice Reform Bills
  • PA Senate Urges Congress to Pass the TREAT PTSD Act
  • September is Hunger Action Month
  • Celebrating Doorless Driving!

Robinson Speaks at Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony

I was humbled to speak at this year’s Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony at the Capitol to honor the heroes we lost on September 11, 2001. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped put this event together, including the 911 National Memorial Trail. I proudly lead the 9/11 Trail Caucus in the Senate, and I’m glad they could attend and share an update on the 1,300 mile long trail connecting the three attack sites of September 11. They do tremendous work making sure the lives lost on that tragic day will never be forgotten.

Robinson Bill Passes Full Senate

After a busy summer in the 37th district, Senate session resumed in Harrisburg this week. I was thrilled to see my legislation, Senate Bill 667, pass the full Senate. This bill would improve fundraising efforts for non-profit organizations by allowing them to accept cashless payments such as PayPal or Venmo. I’ve heard from many volunteer fire departments, youth sports leagues, and other nonprofits in my district who said this simple change could greatly help them better serve their communities. You can read my full press release here.

Robinson Recognizes POW/MIA Day

I was honored to reintroduce Senate Resolution 318, which designated September 20th as Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Remembrance Day in Pennsylvania. Nearly 82,000 Americans remain missing since WWII. We must always honor the service and sacrifice of these mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends who served our country and work to bring them home. You are never forgotten.

Senate Approves RGGI Electricity Tax Repeal

The Pennsylvania Senate approved legislation to repeal the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) electricity tax enacted through an executive order in 2019. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.

RGGI, a multi-state compact, would increase electricity rates for consumers, cut energy and manufacturing jobs and lead to the closure of Pennsylvania power plants. Last year, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled Pennsylvania’s entrance into RGGI may only be achieved through legislation duly enacted by the General Assembly, not through rulemaking by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Environmental Quality Board (EQB).

Senate Bill 1058 will repeal the CO2 Budget Trading Program regulation that was put into effect by DEP and EQB. I was pleased to speak in support of this bill on the Senate floor, as it would protect taxpayers in Allegheny County, their jobs, and families by stopping the crushing electricity tax that the RGGI would impose.

It is critical that we implement responsible environmental policy. I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect our environment with a plan that protects jobs and does not circumvent the legislative process. View my remarks on this bill here.

Bill to Establish Safe Exchange Zones Passes Senate

The Senate passed the Denise Williams Act, which would create a grant program to be used to establish Safe Exchange Zones throughout Pennsylvania. The bill advances to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 173 is named in memory of Denise Williams of Cambria County, who went to purchase an item found on Facebook Marketplace and was brutally murdered during the exchange.

This legislation would help establish safe areas for individuals to exchange goods purchased through an online marketplace, carry out child custody exchanges and conduct similar interactions. These zones will be equipped with video surveillance and be located either within 100 feet of a law enforcement office or near a public area with an active public presence. The establishment of Safe Exchange Zones will be voluntary and contingent upon approval of the participating law enforcement agencies.

Senate Passes Juvenile Justice Reform Bills

The Senate passed bills to reform the state’s juvenile justice system by implementing Juvenile Justice Task Force Report recommendations to help streamline the expungement process, provide fair and impartial legal representation for juveniles and improve accountability and oversight in juvenile court proceedings. The two bills now head to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 169 would update the juvenile court system by requiring disposition review hearings every three months instead of nine. The hearings are designed to ensure juveniles receive necessary services and treatment, assess their threat to the community and decide if they should remain in placement or be released under supervision. The court would also set the date for the next review hearing.

Senate Bill 170 would modify the expungement of juvenile records by reducing the waiting period for expungement from five years to two years for most misdemeanors, while maintaining the five-year period for felonies, misdemeanor firearm offenses and indecent assault. The bill would also standardize the expungement process by requiring the chief juvenile probation officer to initiate expungements for eligible individuals, with the district attorney having the opportunity to object. Exceptions to expungement, such as for sex offenses and cases with subsequent convictions or pending proceedings, would remain unchanged.

PA Senate Urges Congress to Pass the TREAT PTSD Act

The state Senate adopted a measure urging Congress to provide lifesaving therapy to Americans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Senate Resolution 311 calls on Congress to pass the Treatment and Relief through Emerging and Accessible Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act, also known as the TREAT PTSD Act.

The TREAT PTSD Act would require the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense to provide veterans suffering from PTSD with access to a lifesaving therapy known as stellate ganglion block (SGB). SGB works by applying an injection into the bundle of nerves that send signals of fight or flight to the body. The treatment relieves feelings of stress quickly for those with PTSD and provides them with a renewed chance to heal. This procedure has been used for nearly 100 years for pain conditions, including shingles and phantom limb pain.

The federal legislation, House Resolution 3023, is now before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Health.

September is Hunger Action Month

September is Hunger Action Month. There is still time to participate in this worthy cause! My district offices will be collecting donations of non-perishable, unexpired food through the end of September. Read here or contact my offices for more information.

Celebrating Doorless Driving!

It was a fun weekend of celebrating doorless driving! The weather was perfect for the Doorless Day Parade through the South Hills. Thank you to the Bethel Park Police Department for the escort. So thrilled to see my legislation in effect in the community!


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