Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Operation Enduring Freedom Ceremony
  • Capitol Fountain Turns Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Robinson Resolution Adopted in Senate
  • Italian-American Heritage Month
  • Senate Favors Harsher Penalties for Drug Dealers
  • Bill to Provide New Career Paths for Individuals in Recovery Passes Senate
  • Senate Votes to Improve Bridge Maintenance and Safety
  • Bill Offering Free Credit Monitoring to Data Breach Victims Receives Senate Support
  • Stocking PA’s Waters with Trout

Operation Enduring Freedom Ceremony

I was so glad to participate and speak about my experience with Operation Enduring Freedom with my fellow veterans. It was a beautiful ceremony hosted by my colleague, Sen. Mastriano, complete with the PA National Guard Ceremonial Band. It is crucial we remember and honor this important time in our history, and especially all the brave men and women who served during this time.

Capitol Fountain Turns Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Every October, we recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, but early detection can drastically increase the survival rate. My bill with Senator Kim Ward and Senator Tracy Pennycuick was signed into law earlier this year which removed out of pocket costs for genetic testing, and supplemental breast screenings for high risk patients.

It was wonderful gathering with my colleagues and members of the PA Breast Cancer Coalition to turn the Capitol fountain pink and kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We also supported a resolution this week highlighting metastatic breast cancer – stage four when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Despite advancements in medical science, metastatic breast cancer remains incurable.

Robinson Resolution Adopted in Senate

I was so pleased my resolution with Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill protecting home buyers was approved in the Senate today. You can read more here.

Italian-American Heritage Month

Thank you to Senator Jon DiSanto for sponsoring a resolution to designate October as Italian-American Heritage Month in Pennsylvania! I was glad to join my colleagues this week to celebrate!

Senate Favors Harsher Penalties for Drug Dealers

The Senate voted to enact harsher penalties for drug dealers who sell products that lead to the poisoning death of a victim, including drugs laced with fentanyl.

Senate Bill 235 would establish a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a minimum $15,000 fine for anyone convicted of selling or distributing drugs that result in a death. Under current guidelines, drug dealers who poison victims with fentanyl can be back out on the streets in two years or less.

The bill would not apply to drug users who share drugs with family members or friends, or those who seek medical help for individuals who overdose.

Bill to Provide New Career Paths for Individuals in Recovery Passes Senate

Individuals in recovery for substance use disorder would be able to maintain meaningful employment and chart a new path under a pilot program approved by the Senate.

Senate Bill 69 would create a Recovery to Work pilot program to connect individuals in recovery with high-priority occupations through local workforce development boards. The boards would work with the treatment and recovery community as well as local employers and training providers to find job training and employment opportunities.

The pilot program would be led by the Department of Labor and Industry with the assistance of the departments of Health, Community and Economic Development, and Drug and Alcohol Programs, as well as the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.

Senate Votes to Improve Bridge Maintenance and Safety

This week, the Senate passed legislation to make state funding available for local bridge projects.

Currently, state Motor License Fund dollars are made available for the construction and repair of county bridges. While the funds are used to repair county-owned bridges, spending guidance fails to note how the funds could be used for bridges owned by municipalities within the counties. As a result, municipal bridges suffer and go without repair while remaining funds go unused due to ambiguous guidance.

Senate Bill 799 would give counties the flexibility they need to fund local bridge projects.

Bill Offering Free Credit Monitoring to Data Breach Victims Receives Senate Support

The Senate approved legislation to strengthen notification requirements for data breaches and provide affected citizens with free credit monitoring.

Senate Bill 824 would provide citizens affected by a data breach a free credit report and a year of credit monitoring while they recover. The bill also strengthens state notification requirements and requires Attorney General notification if a data breach occurs in the commonwealth.

The measure would cover instances in which an individual’s first and last name or first initial and last name have been accessed in combination with any of the following information: Social Security number, bank account number, driver’s license or state ID number.

Stocking PA’s Waters with Trout

Pennsylvania’s waterways are being restocked with approximately 117,500 hatchery-raised adult Rainbow, Brown and Brook Trout in 119 stream sections and lakes. The effort, which began this week, will continue through mid-December.

The stockings will replenish popular fishing spots across the state and provide ice fishing opportunities. Review the trout stocking schedules here. They are subject to change because of water temperature fluctuations and hatchery logistics.

Trout that are stocked during fall and winter can be fished for immediately. Anglers ages 16 and older must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and trout permit. You can buy 2023 fishing licenses and permits online or at a retail license issuing agent.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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