Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Community Highlights
  • Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving
  • Playing Santa? Shop Small on Saturday
  • Healthy, Free Food Available to Low-Income Seniors
  • Preparing Pennsylvanians of All Ages for Career Success
  • Winter Life Jacket Requirement in Effect

Community Highlights

On Sunday, I attended Operation Warm Winter Coat Drive with the Pittsburgh Fire Fighters IAFF Local 1, MSA, Duquesne Light, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. They were able to provide over 1,000 warm coats to children in need. Thank you, fire fighters, for this important community outreach!

Congratulations to Andy Amrhein of Evey TruValue Hardware on 70 years of business in Bethel Park! I was glad to celebrate this important milestone with them!

Congratulations to the Girl Scouts of Troop 90007 on earning their Bronze Awards! These scouts partnered with Upper St. Clair for their project to provide supplies to the homeless in downtown Pittsburgh. Thank you, scouts, for your community service, and keep up the excellent work!

The Bethel Park Historical Society is always hosting interesting lectures and events. This past weekend, on the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination, I attended an informative lecture by Dick Jewell, who has past several years studying this event. You can see what other events the historical society is hosting here.

Pittsburgh Botanic Garden kicked off the holiday season with their Dazzling Nights walk. Stop out and see this awesome display, open this Friday through the New Year!

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving

Pennsylvania has a rich history related to celebrating the day of thanks, as the first nationally recognized Thanksgiving was celebrated in York County in 1777. Americans had just soundly defeated the British in the Battle of Saratoga in the American Revolution. To mark the victory, the Second Continental Congress proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving.

The first Thanksgiving Day Parade was also held in Pennsylvania in 1920 – four years before the first Macy’s parade.

May your holiday be filled with an abundance of blessings, health and good times. In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, my office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23, and Friday, Nov. 24.

Playing Santa? Shop Small on Saturday

Small Business Saturday is this weekend, a great time to shop small when thinking about gifts for the holiday season.

Small businesses account for 99.6% of Pennsylvania businesses and half of our jobs. That’s why I’ve advocated for the continued phase-out of the state’s excessive Corporate Net Income Tax – which burdens many small business operators – and voted for a host of measures this year to cut government red tape that is hampering the work of these crucial job creators.

You can find state resources on starting a small business here.

Healthy, Free Food Available to Low-Income Seniors

The Senior Food Box Program supplements low-income seniors’ diets with nutritious food, including non-fat dry and shelf-stable fluid milk, juice, oats, ready-to-eat cereal, rice, pasta, dry beans, peanut butter, canned meat, poultry, fish and canned fruits and vegetables.

To participate, individuals must be at least 60 years old and meet income eligibility guidelines. A single senior’s annual income may not exceed $18,954, and the income for a couple is capped at $25,636.

Seniors who would like to participate should call 800-468-2433 to be directed to the regional food bank distributing the Senior Food Box in their county of residence. Learn more here.

Preparing Pennsylvanians of All Ages for Career Success

People at any stage of their careers – and even before their careers have begun – may use SkillUp PA, Pennsylvania’s free online job training platform. The free trainings are designed to fill critical skill gaps that can be a barrier to employment, prepare people for credential or certification tests and sharpen soft job skills.

Some of the courses include Being an Effective Team Member, Essential Skills for Professional Telephone Calls, Interpersonal Communication: Listening Essentials and Thinking Critically: Coming to Terms with Assumptions.

Learn more about SkillUp and enroll here.

Winter Life Jacket Requirement in Effect

Until April 30, all boaters are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket while underway or at anchor on boats less than 16 feet in length or on any kayak, canoe or paddleboard on all Pennsylvania waters.

A disproportionate number of boating fatalities occur from November to April in Pennsylvania, and cold water is one of the primary reasons. When water temperatures are less than 70 degrees, the cold water shock can cause an involuntary gasp, hyperventilation, breathlessness and a reduced ability to control breathing and swim.

A life jacket greatly increases your chance of survival in cold water. It also increases the amount of time for you to be rescued. Find more cold water survival safety tips here.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

For anyone who hasn’t already signed up to receive my e-newsletters, you can get on the mailing list here.

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