Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Newest Eagle Scout of Troop 4
  • Groundbreaking Ceremony in Bethel Park
  • Crescent Township Commissioners Recognized
  • Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing
  • 2023 Review: Supporting Pennsylvania Veterans
  • Check Out My New Website
  • PA Youth: Become a Litter Hawk
  • Helping First Responders Access Federal Dollars
  • Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Newest Eagle Scout of Troop 4

Congratulations to my constituent, Hunter, on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout! He refurbished four dugouts at the St. Louise Baseball field for his Eagle project. Thank you for giving back to the community, Hunter, and best of luck in your future endeavors!

Groundbreaking Ceremony in Bethel Park

Despite the rainy Pittsburgh weather, we had a very successful groundbreaking ceremony for a new elementary school in Bethel Park School District this week. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product in the near future! Congratulations to everyone involved!

Crescent Township Commissioners Recognized

Congratulations to Richard Bosetti, Dan Muller, and Renee Whiteman, who were recently recognized for their incredible careers with Crescent Township. Thank you all for your years of service and dedication to the Crescent Township community!

Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing

January is recognized as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and January 11th is recognized as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

I appreciated the opportunity to attend the Senate Majority Policy Committee’s hearing and to participate in a robust conversation with my colleagues and panelists about tackling this critical issue that affects thousands of people across the Commonwealth.

Thank you to my colleagues Senator Dan Laughlin, President Pro Tempore Kim Ward, Senator Scott E. Hutchinson, Senator Joe Pittman, Senator Judy Ward, Senator Cris Dush, and Senator Pat Stefano and the guest panelists for your time and collaboration.

2023 Review: Supporting Pennsylvania Veterans

Our military members and veterans made the selfless decision to serve our country and preserve the American way of life we hold so dear. The Senate passed several measures in 2023 to support military families and veterans.

Act 13 of 2023 ensures Pennsylvanians entering military service can retain professional licenses and certifications. Previously, veterans had a much more challenging transition from military life to civilian life because certain skills they obtained during the service were not recognized. Now, veterans don’t have to waste time duplicating the training they already received.

Senate Resolution 46 establishes the Task Force on Women Veterans’ Health Care, which will study the unique health care and access issues facing female veterans and make recommendations to the governor and General Assembly for action.

Other measures we passed exempt disabled veterans’ benefit payments from income eligibility calculations for government programs, provide educational support for children of National Guard and Reserves members, establish the Veteran-Owned Business Loan Guarantee Program and more.

Check Out My New Website

I recently redesigned my website to improve its speed, make it more user-friendly – particularly on mobile devices – and give it a fresh look so it is easier for you to get the state-related information you need. My goal is always to make your experience dealing with your government as positive as possible, whether you prefer to interact online or in person.

My offices are available to serve you with status reports on legislation, applications for Pennsylvania birth and death certificates, state tax forms, PACE/PACENET applications, voter registration forms and more.

PA Youth: Become a Litter Hawk

Kids in grades kindergarten through sixth grade who want clean places to live and play are invited to become litter hawks to help people see how litter and trash hurt the environment through art, words or video.

Individuals, school classrooms, homeschoolers, scout groups, clubs and other organized groups are all welcome to participate. Prizes will be awarded to two entries per grade. Categories are poster (K-4), essay (5) and video (6). Apply online by Jan. 31, and winners will be announced in May.

Helping First Responders Access Federal Dollars

Federal assistance grants are available to support firefighter and emergency medical service organizations, but only a fraction of the first responders who apply do so successfully.

Giving organizations the information they need to access this critical funding for vehicles, gear and more will help local governments avoid raising taxes to cover the costs associated with keeping our communities safe.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers free webinars about how to apply for funding under the Assistance to Firefighters grant program and workshops covering the Assistance to Firefighters grant program, Fire Prevention and Safety grant program and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grants. Learn more.

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a time for reflection on his peaceful contributions to the civil rights movement. Many people also spend time honoring Dr. King’s legacy by participating in community service to better their neighborhoods. No matter how we spend the day, let us remember his desire to unify our country as he shared in his historic speech in Washington, D.C. more than 60 years ago.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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