Senator Robinson E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Honoring Our Veterans
  • Robinson Secures Funding for MFPAA
  • Senate Organizes for 2025-26 Session
  • Giving First Responders More Support
  • Seasonal PennDOT Jobs Open Now
  • Being Prepared for Fall Driving Hazards
  • Recognizing National Diabetes Awareness Month

Honoring Our Veterans

It was my pleasure to attend several events honoring our veterans in the 37th district and throughout PA. I celebrated both Veterans Day and the 249th birthday of the United States Marine Corps at festivities in York County, PA with my colleague Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill. Over 1,000 veterans and community members gathered at the York County Expo Center for a Veterans Celebration and Breakfast. I was honored to deliver the keynote address at this incredible event.

At the Upper St. Clair Veterans Day ceremony, we also heard an inspiring message from guest speaker LTJG Megan Bakkala of the U.S. Coast Guard.

It was an honor and a privilege to pin over thirty of our heroes with American flag pins during a visit to Tapestry Senior Living in Moon Township. To my surprise, they presented me with an award, too. I am proud to have met and know these men and women. Thank you all for your service!

Robinson Secures Funding for MFPAA

I was happy to be invited to the McCandless-Franklin Park Ambulance Authority to see their brand-new ambulance. It was my privilege to help secure grant funding for the purchase of Unit 136. Thank you to Chief Dell and Captain Prycl for hosting us! You and your staff do incredible work serving Franklin Park, Bradford Woods, Marshall Township, McCandless, and Pine Township.

Senate Organizes for 2025-26 Session

Voters across Pennsylvania made their choices to determine the state Senate for the 2025-26 legislative session. With the new alignment of legislators, Senate Republicans reelected our leadership team for the upcoming session.

As public servants, we are united in our efforts to prioritize the needs of Pennsylvanians, focusing on projecting jobs, empowering families, and defending freedoms. We remain focused on helping families restore economic freedom while positioning communities to thrive. Increasing energy independence, expanding access to well-paying jobs, and making communities healthy and safer are top initiatives in our work to move Pennsylvania forward.

The new legislative session is set to commence in January. You can find legislative updates during the new session and see what we accomplished during the previous sessions at my website (

Giving First Responders More Support

Beginning in December, a law passed in the Senate will give first responders greater access to workers’ compensation benefits for a post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI).

Firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics will be entitled to benefits for psychological traumas resulting from their employment – even in the absence of physical injuries. To receive benefits, they need to be diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.

Previously, Pennsylvania law required a first responder to prove that there were “objective abnormal working conditions” to establish a PTSI claim. This standard was often difficult to meet.

Seasonal PennDOT Jobs Open Now

PennDOT is hiring individuals for its winter maintenance program that runs until April 2025. The jobs pay from $17.00 to $27.75 an hour and could become a career.

Roles include equipment operators, dispatchers, mechanics, tradesman helpers, semi-skilled laborers and tunnel maintainers. Job requirements vary based on position. Learn more regarding required experience, training and eligibility.

Submit an online application. Call 855-524-5627 if you have trouble accessing your account.

Being Prepared for Fall Driving Hazards

Fall brings different driving hazards, including wet leaves, fog, sun glare and frost. Drivers can use fall driving tips from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to make their commutes safer.

Extra caution is needed on roads covered with wet leaves, which can be as slippery as ice. When driving in fog, it’s best to use low-beam headlights to avoid the glare created by high beams. Morning frost and icy spots can cause issues as overnight temperatures drop toward freezing. Ice is more likely to form on bridges, overpasses and shaded areas.

Pennsylvania drivers face the third-highest chance of being involved in an animal-related crash in the nation. To report a dead animal for removal from a state road, call the PennDOT at 1-800-FIX-ROAD. Call the Game Commission at 1-833-742-9453 for local roads.

Recognizing National Diabetes Awareness Month

The men, women and children who live with prediabetes and diabetes face challenges not only with their health but also with the financial impact of the disease.

However, there is support available, including health tips and food ideas. Healthy eating for prediabetes and diabetes can be delicious and satisfying using recipes like these.

Tools and resources are available regarding health care affordability and driving with diabetes. There is also helpful information for caregivers.


I’m proud to represent you in Harrisburg. Please contact me if my team can assist you with any state-level issues or services, including PennDOT, PA Department of Revenue, PA Department of Aging, PA State Treasury, etc. I’m always happy to hear from constituents, but if you need assistance or have concerns regarding a federal issue, you may want to contact your U.S. Senators and/or your member in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thank you.

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