HARRISBURG – Advocates and cancer survivors joined Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37) today in support of his lifesaving legislation.
Lawmakers, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Pennsylvania Biomarker Testing Coalition staff, advocates and cancer survivors participated in a news conference hosted by Robinson to support his legislation. Senate Bill 954 would provide Pennsylvanians better access to personalized treatments following a diagnosis of cancer and other specific diseases through biomarker testing and precision medicine.
Biomarker testing looks for biological changes at a molecular level helping to detect cancer and other diseases, ensure patients get the right treatment option, and predict the growth and spread of disease.
“I, like too many, have a family history of cancer. My father was diagnosed at a relatively young age which led me to discover that I have the BRCA-2 gene mutation and would have a harder time fighting cancer if I were to be diagnosed. Because I was screened, tested and received my baseline PSAs in my thirties, I can stay on top of my health,” Robinson said. “If someday I do get the dreadful news of cancer, I will have targeted and precise treatment to fight it to the best of my body’s ability. I want this chance for every Pennsylvanian.”
With the fast-paced innovations and advancements in technology, Senate Bill 954 will streamline the process, remove financial barriers, standardize definitions and procedures and acknowledge the disparities in treatment – especially among diverse populations.
“I’m grateful and inspired to know that my colleagues – 17 co-sponsors in the Senate with strong Democratic and Republican support – are rallying behind this lifesaving legislation,” Robinson said. “It’s time to join the 23 other states that already have this in statute or in process and allow this opportunity for those who need it most.”
Watch the news conference here.
Allison Dutrey