HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania women who served in the armed forces have until April 5 to register for a state Capitol ceremony celebrating their service, Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37) said today.
The ceremony will be held at noon on Monday, June 10. Female veterans and family members of female veterans are invited. The event will include an exhibit featuring photos and biographies of women who served.
Grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters and other female family members from all military conflicts are included.
Interested veterans should register and upload material here. The deadline for all entry and RSVP information is April 5.
“June 12 is not a separate Veterans Day. It recognizes the signing of the Women’s Armed Services Act by President Harry S. Truman in 1948,” said Robinson. “It is the day to honor and remember the date that women were officially welcomed into the ranks and recognized for their bravery, heroics, service and sacrifice to the Republic since before its founding.”
The first Women Veterans Day Capitol exhibit was displayed in 2023, after passage of legislation observing Women Veterans Day in Pennsylvania each year on June 12.
While women have served in the American military since before the United States was established as a nation, it was not until 1948 that women were recognized as military members or veterans. By 2040 it is estimated that women will make up 17% of the total veteran population.
Kevin Battle