HARRISBURG – Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37) today announced the approval of a $460,000 low-interest loan through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to support the Franklin Park Borough in addressing critical stormwater management and water quality issues.
The funding will finance the Ramblewood Pond Retrofit Project, a vital initiative aimed at helping the borough meet its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements by reducing sediment in runoff by 10%.
“This project exemplifies how PENNVEST’s support can drive innovative, cost-effective solutions to improve our water systems and protect our environment,” said Robinson. “With this investment, Franklin Park Borough will not only enhance water quality in Pine Creek but ensure compliance with state regulations while benefiting more than 15,000 residents.”
The project involves converting the existing extended-release dry basin into a managed-release concept. This retrofit will include regrading basin walls and utilizing amended soils to filter and manage stormwater runoff more effectively.
The expected benefits of the project include reducing total suspended solids by approximately 80,946 pounds annually, supporting the borough’s MS4 Pollutant Reduction Plan, and enhancing sediment control and water quality in Pine Creek.
PENNVEST is an independent state agency that provides financial assistance for sewer, storm water and drinking water projects in communities across the commonwealth.
CONTACT: Allison Dutrey