Budget Hearing Q&A: DEP
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Interim Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Interim Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary Khalid Mumin during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Education. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary Khalid Mumin during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Education. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Tim Schaeffer and Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the PA Fish & Boat Commission and the PA Game Commission. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Tim Schaeffer and Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the PA Fish & Boat Commission and the PA Game Commission. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy Walker during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Labor & Industry. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy Walker during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Labor & Industry. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy Walker during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Labor & Industry. [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Secretary Rick Siger during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED). [Read More]
Senator Devlin Robinson questions Chancellor Dan Greenstein during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the State System of Higher Education. [Read More]